Visit of Prof. Deng Li from Westlake University

On September $29^{th}$, 2021, Prof. Deng Li from Westlake University was invited by Prof. Zhang Xi to visit us and give a lecture on “Weak Bonding Catalysis of Organic Molecules”. During his talk, Prof. Deng introduced the origin, subsequent development, and application of the weak-bonding catalytic system established by his group in last two decades. At the end of the talk, audiences as well as the speaker fall into a heated discussion. Prof. Deng Li’s talk deepened our understanding of the field of organic catalysis, and inspired us deeply with his research taste and focus, as well as his way of thinking in solving research problems.

A week after his visit, by the way, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 was awarded to asymmetric organocatalysis, which is exactly what Prof. Deng was introduced in his talk.

Our lab assisted the State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure and Materials to organize Prof. Deng’s visit. Guanglu chaired the lecture. Members from our group also participated in the design of academic posters, IT support, and site organization, etc.

(Drafted by Fei Li, reviewed by Guanglu Wu)

Fei Li
Fei Li
PhD Candidate (2023)

Be enthusiastic, proactive, optimistic, and inquisitive. Above all, eat well and live seriously.